Our Coming and Going

"I will watch over your coming and going." ~God
God will watch over you
background photo: morguefile and lostseed 
as life's shadows lengthen
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An old man spent one late afternoon with his grandson. They were sitting on a dock talking about everything they see until the boy looked up the sky and asked: “Grandpa, does anybody ever see God?” The old man looked across the still waters of the lake and said: “it’s getting so now that I hardly see anything else.”
Everybody will grow old. Thus talking to God, just like aging should come more easily. And our relationship with Him should also come as natural as breathing. Jesus showed us the way to the Father and we should be grateful for Him. The Lord has assured us that He will watch over our coming and going ~ now and forevermore.
The Lord will watch over your coming and going now and forevermore. ~Psalm 121:8